Message of Aministrator
Schools are planned, organized, and settled organizations that help people socialize, improve their economic productivity, recognize and realize themselves, and adopt the policies of the nation. The mission that schools are responsible for in terms of personal and social development is of vital importance. The reason why schools are essential for society is that it is the most productivity-based, concrete, and functional part of the education system.If schools operate in the right way, pre-determined goals and expectations of society from education will be met.
As in every organization, leadership plays the most important role in conducting business in school organizations as well. Organizations reach their goals more effectively and more efficiently when they are effective. The effectiveness and efficiency of schools are significant in educating students and meeting society’s expectations. School management plays a key role in establishing effective schools.
Accountability, which acts as a tool in the realization of goals in educational organizations by providing evaluation both as a process and as an outcome. Although accountability in the system of education is related to everyone involved in the system. In this context at last but not the least I promise to use school resources in the best possible manner and increase the success of the school.
How can I write and what else , whereas I like to paint the image of ADARSH VIDYALAYA on the endless sky where it shines by the millions of stars and become a picture for every eye to capture.